Saturday, 21 March 2009

a conversation between WINMO and iPhone

i saw this conversation on a GEEK site, so here it is

Hey, iPhone. How's it goin'?

Hey, WinMo. Be right with you. Have to finish with this iFart app.

... ...

Sorry 'bout that. I'm a one-track phone, ya know.

So I hear. Isn't that going to change when you get your 3.0 upgrade?

I was afraid you'd bring that - oops. Hang on. Got a text message. Hit my home button, will ya?

... ...

Sorry 'bout that. What were you saying? Oh, yeah. What's that called, what you were talking about? Multifrisking?


Never heard of it. I'm getting background notifications. Is that the same thing?

Not hardly. Oh, well. Never mind.

Oh, c'mon, WinMo. Can I give it a shot? Huh? Can I? Can I?

I dunno. It's pretty tough stuff. Not sure that you're up to it. Never mind that those Apple people say it robs me of my power 80 percent faster. I can handle it. You, on the other hand ...

C'mon, WinMo! Puleeeeeeeeeze?

Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you. Hope you've been working out.

OK, I got special permission from my mommy to try this. Here I go. iFart: Open. Crossword puzzle: Open. E-mail: open. Safari: Open. ...

Wait. I'm starting to feel a little dizzy. Something's not right. Can't ... keep ... screen ... on. Wuzzhappenintome?

Oh, no, iPhone! Your battery can't handle the big-boy workload! Quick! Better swap it out!

Can't. Still ... Only ... Have ... Baby ... Built-in.

Uh oh. Here, use my USB-cable (with its handy micro/mini-USB connector).

Can't. Only ... Use ... Proprietary ... 30-pin. Good-bye ... Win ... Mo ...

Friday, 20 March 2009

WATCHMEN banned from Kuwait

Ministry of information has officially banned the watchmen since MARCH 1st from playing in the local theaters, guess the reason why? well they say that its because One of the Main Characters *DR MANHATTEN* has a GODLY-LIKE powers and form :S

ok, thats true, his the INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN in the story, but what about HANCOCK? isnt he a an OLYMPIAN GOD? didnt he have SUPER POWERS *god-like too?*

no comment :D

The way they call

caller #1 No1: *best friend/Cousin*

him:alooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! goooooooooooooom!

caller #2: Friend (il maleeq)

moi: alo?
him: ahlan ahlan, eshrayik inni many na6rik tgool w sahlan! :d *he keeps saying that for 10 years now loool*

Caller #3: lil Bro

moi: alo?
him: aaaooooo-haaaa-waaaaaaaaaaik? thats: alo ha wainik, but for some unknown reason he swallos the remaining letters on a fone call, even though his 19 and talkes normally lool

Caller #4: Friend (ily ma 3indaha salfa)

moi: alo? :D
her: alo-6albeen-wa7id-threesom-youm-il-5amees? *LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!*

Caller #5: Friend (il wa7sh!)

moi: alo?
him: BAWAN!!
moi: et5asy! kaho il JAIKAR! GOM JEEB KANAFA! :D *LOOOOL*

Caller #6: friend *il fathya*

moi: alo?
her: im coooooooooooler in the red dress..etc *lazim she sings for like 30 seconds and up ba3dain ettikallam, i always have to listen to her til the end, if i hung up, she wont call for 3 weeks, maybe i should hung up more.. :P*

aham shay innah theyr calling, il intros killah 3la e7sabhom :P

Monday, 16 March 2009

from a distant memory, into a present time

she was as beautiful as an angel, she kept staring into my eyes like they were the only shiny things in the entire world, looking for something, seeking an untold answer for many mysteriouse questions, So i said: you look marvelous tonight, captivating... she answered: thanks, but sometimes in general we dont fit in the eyes of the world, people will recognized that we just dont belong, i could have been with any other man out there, instead i choose to be here, with a common man whom im still confused why i loved in the first place.. he lost her few moments back, her lips was moving, he knew what was coming next..he dreaded the end, he tried to see what was beneath those cold eyes, but he couldnt, he just stood there, waiting for her to declare her sentence of his remaining sanity..waiting..and waiting.. im leaving you for good.. such a beautiful angel, what happened, i care not, all i know is that i loved, i cherished the woman i love so blindly that i forgive her when she sentence me into despair for life, i walk across the desperation roads and the hills of mesiry for her happiness and safety, she was angry and upset and not thinking straight, although her words were like daggers in my heart, but i took em ,embraced them with a compassionate smile, she couldnt see my sorrow, i hid it, she was too preciouse to see my fall, she was killing me, stabbing me with the daggers in her hand in a moment of despair..i take hold of her hand..and kiss it..she stops, and a look of confusion took over her angelic face, as i was dying, i reached out for her head, kissed it..barely bieng able to breath, and wisphered to her on the sound of her sobs; my love, i want you to be safe, in this world, darkness overcome the shiny lights of your heaven, my angel.. and he fell, he closed his eyes, he didnt wanna have a second breath in this world now, the stars seem to welcome him, seem to brace his soul,a world without my angel is no world, its a marooned place, for i have fallen. i have faded, i loved..

the human mind can be a turture on one's soul, i try to see the happiest and the saddest moments of life from different prospectives, from a Philosophical, Dramatic, Logical, Relegiouse, Speritual, compassionate point of views, i always find my way back home.

Ode to u

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

The Art of Backward Walking: PT 2

Bookard: hi im bookard and i came to get my civil id *handing over my receipt*
il mowathafa il thakiya: *CHAK CHAK 6A5 CHAK 6A5 on the computer..* lazim et6alli3 badal faqid mo ydeeda

Bookard: inzain bs ana 9arlee 15 sina bara il kuwait, allah il 3alim wain il old CI

IL mowathafa: inta bo6aqtik jahza, bs lazim etqaddim 3la badal faqid w tistilmha ba3ad shahrain w tidfa3 gharama 20kd

Bookard: al7een la7tha...............

il mowathafa: staring: ..........

Bookard: il bo6aqa jahza bil jihaz AL7EEN, 3adil...?

Il mowathafa: 3adil..

Bookard: bs lazim aroo7 w aqaddim 6alab w a5eth'ha ba3ad shahrain w ehya ALREADY bil jihaz, 3adil..?

il mowathafa: 3adil :D

bokaard: :)

that concludes our second episode of the Art Of Walking Backward


Friday, 30 January 2009

The Art of Backward Walking: PT 1

Ministry of interior search result : the following individual doesn't exist
the department of justice search result: the following individual doesn't exist
The Civil ID search Result : The following CIVIL ID is not valid
the nation's Security search result : WANTED! INTERPOL and banned from entering the country!

date of the warrent of arrest: 1984

hmm, funny, considering the fact that our hero never left the country since he was born and he was born in 1985 :D

of course, the mistakeS have been fixed, luckily to our poor hero

and that's it for the this episode of The Art Of Walking Backward

hello universe

Sunday, 11 January 2009


sometimes i wonder, what would have happened if the world was Democracy-Free? will commnist be the new world order? will relegiouse cult take over everything there is to take? in both worlds, its chaos, a friend asked me: what is democracy? i simply answered: its when we get to breath without asking for anyone's permission to do so.

Viva Kuwait.

The Alchemist

the secret of this book is simple, it IS simple, but Coelho used several historical events, stories and combined them into one, a smart move, the book is inspirational on a certain level, it sold over 30 million books worlwide, always wanted to read it, and after i did, it wasnt as good as i expected, but worth reading never the less

book rating: 6


for i have none, but all i will do is write here, and you will be the judge.
